Dieta | Retreat. Peru.

New dates announced soon.

Integral Evolutionary Vedic-Shamanic Dieta Retreat for Deep Healing and Self Realization.

An Integral approach to worlds most powerful pre-modern and post-modern Healing and Spiritual practices: Hatha Yoga, Ayurveda, Advaita Vedanta, Shipibo Vegetalismo, Integral Philosophy and Developmental Psychology precisely woven into a 30 days Evolutionary Dieta | Retreat.

Pre Modern Yoga, an introduction

Pre-modern Hatha practice from a Non-Dual Integral approach: Not a path to liberate ourselves from limitation, but to purify and liberate the Heart directly from the one who believes we are limited, the separate sense of self.
I am using Hatha as a way to express and experience the non-dual nature of the seemingly dual material world. In this workshops and sessions we do not seek anything, as seeking reinforces the belief of separation. We will only find That which is always already the case: consciousness itself from which everything arises and bring this awakening into our human experience. 

Yoga is a living expression of the Universe’s Awakening and this expression evolves non-stop. The same counts for all forms of expression … All are tools, medicine designed by the conscious development of life itself for its own awakening in the shape of the stars, the biosphere, the human being using - and evolving - these tools at the same time. The key is to integrate them in an integral way. To include and transcend.

From this position I have incorporated the classical Hatha Yoga practice according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika and related texts, into the field of understanding of the condition we always already are, and not what we would wish to be: a better version, because there is none.
The Yogi is the Creative Process that is awakening to itself.


Classes and Workshops

I. Hridaya Padmasan sadhana | Bobinsana Sequence
Spiritual Heart Self awakening through the attitude of the Lotus.


Intermediate purifying full body-mind sequence through the most powerful asanas and pranayam of Hatha science evolving towards the padmasan posture as a gateway to Prior Unity. Originally classical Hatha asanas were designed only to establish easily into the sitting poses for further development of next level practices : pranayama, Mudra, Nada, Mantra and Meditation until transcendence. Our starting point is the acknowledgment that we are already free. This practice supports the de-conditioning of the belief that we are not. It is in this intention that the sequence is designed to culminate in the lotus pose from where we access higher Yoga and Meditations. Working our way from the outside in with as last attitude the Spiritual Heart Mudra Meditation and the deep silence and knowledge that lies within it.


II. Ahkand Pranayam Sadhana | Noya Rao Sequence
Kundilina Shakti activation through Mudra and Pranayama Krya


Intermediate to advanced ego-trancending Hatha Chakra sequence focussing on the awakening of Kundalini through strong use of repetitions of Bhanda, Mudras and Pranayam until suffocation. The name Akhand means eternal and can be used as is, as only Yoga practice, as it combines and contains all the main techniques of the Hatha Yoga science. This sequence works its way up from muladhara to Sahasrara via all the chakras using techniques like Ashwini Mudra, Plavini, Brahmari pranayam, Shakti Shalan and Agnisar.
This Sadhana practice brings direct recognition of what is and moves consciousness from Being into Becoming, somewhere between the present moment and the future.


Stand-Alone Classes and Preparatory practices for the main sequences

These classes focus on specific elements of Hatha Yoga and meditation. Classes are 1h to 1.5h classes with same warm-up and Gayatri Sun Salutations as in the workshops. The techniques are for beginning and intermediate students and sequences are adapted accordingly. Classes are stand-alone classes and can be practiced without any obligation to go the Sadhana workshops nor are they obligatory to follow in order to attend the Sadhana workshops if the level of the student is experienced enough. We will evaluate together for your safety.

>Shat Karma deep cleanses like Shanka Prakshalan, Vaman or Vastra Dauti
>Pranayama sessions according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gerhand Samhita
>Sitting, Standing, Prone and supine Asana’s according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika for improved living
>Non Dual meditation and Self-inquiry in the light of prior Unity and evolutionary awakening
>A study of the separate elements of the main Akhand sequence like Bandha’s and Mudras
>Workshop focussing on yogic nutrition and Ayurvedic constitution.
>Yoga Nidra sessions offering deep relaxation and release of the sub conscious mind.

For more Information on dates and booking as group or one-to-one sessions contact me via email

Non-Dual Meditation Classes and Workshops

I. Mind-Inquiry Meditation for Emotional Healing and Trauma Release

During Mind-Inquiry Meditation Classes we practice the active observing of and engaging with emotional activity and we learn to dive down the depts of our shadow with a big torch and shine a light on all the dragons we find there to discover that the dragons are only little kittens asking for help. This requires patience and courage. And we use this technique only for the time needed. Like a bank robbery, in, out. No dwelling.


II. Self-Inquiry Meditation for awakening to our prior condition and as the creative impulse within our human experience.

Self-inquiry in a contemporary evolutionary context. Who am I really? How to establish in what is prior to our personal identification with a separate sense of self? We look at ego movements and see them for what they are: the conviction that we are separate from God the creative impulse itself. We look at what is arising but we remain in a state of freedom yet fully taking responsibility for the activity of our body mind complex, embracing our human experience. We learn to drop all doing and seeking for improvement as this only reinforces the belief of something better and creates even more separation.
As Cynthia Bampton says “We awaken to the fact that there really is no difference between Consciousness prior to human experience and the essence of the content of your human experience.”

For more Information on dates and booking as group or one-to-one sessions contact me via email

My Teacher Training Certifications

I got properly qualified In India as a Hatha Yoga Science and Meditation Teacher and enrolled into more traditional Ashrams and schools to obtain first-hand quality training and education.
I completed 3 trainings in India: Yoga Vidya Gurukul (Hatha and Advanced Hatha), Yogic Heritage (Pranayama).
I enrolled Hridaya Yoga in Mexico and qualified for Module 1 and I completed a 300h Hatha Vinyasa (300RYS) with Divinitree in Peru/Sacred Valley.
That totals to 5 Certifications to date with more than 1000h of training and I am registered within Yoga Alliance as a RYT500.

If you need more information about my trainings or want to contact any of these schools for further reference about my education please write me an email

To view my certificates please click here.

Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam Puurnnaat-Purnnam-Udacyate ||
Puurnnashya Puurnnam-Aadaaya Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

— Isavasya Upanishad