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That which expresses you is Life Itself. Reality itself. Universe Itself.
Consciousness expressing itself as you, through you as a unique human being, unfolding, which then you express and live as an awakened individual through your human experience, and as a living embodiment of that Consciousness which is always already free, evolving, learning, relating and growing

To express that which expresses you

Separation and disconnection... What if you could approach this the other way around? Instead of being convinced to be a separate self, an entity alone, locked or lost in the world and universe, disconnected from others and needing liberation or seeking attention to survive, you’d start with the deep recognition and integration that your true condition is conscious light itself, all of universe itself. Love itself. Always already free, prior to any belief it is not. Prior to any contraction into separation and suffering. Prior to any strategic seeking for a way out. Always already fulfilled and in line with all and All.

Recognizing and responding to Life itself manifesting as you, evolving through you as an individual unique mature expression and healthy gender polarity, as Spirit in Action truly creative, including and transcending, relating and expanding, loving and enhancing, instead of separating and contracting, attaching and collapsing in self-fulfilling lies and wounds.

How would that feel if you’d choose to trust? How would your Human experience and expression be embodied, transcended, awakened and shared as a living manifestation of your Authentic Self, freeing yourself from any activity that works against reality as it always already is?
Join me to explore this possibility, no matter where you are at, within the range and tools of:

- Integral Inquiry for trauma detection
- Wound Cycle recognition and release
- Integral psychology and seventh stage or Life

- Plant Medicine pre and post Integration
- Somatic Uncoiling and Marma Point Vocalising
- Master Plant Dieta pre and post Integration
- Hatha Yogic and Vedic Body-Mind Therapy
- Ayurvedic understanding, nutrition and lifestyle

- Non-duality guidance from a Prior Disposition
- Spectrum of Consciousness activation
- Integral theory and AQAL framework initiation

- Interpersonal relating and enjoyment
- True happiness in the ceremony of life
- Bliss and play in the art of loving


and Integral Inquiry from a Prior Disposition.

Working with Master Plants, Dieta and Ayahuasca can be a life enhancing journey in the proper setting and container, but also often is a tough navigation when one is lacking proper integration or facilitation during a challenging process facing deep seated wound-cycles, abuse, addiction, ptsd or just plain confusion and a sense of feeling “messed up” during or after ceremonies.

Having worked and trained within the Shipibo’s ancestral plant medicine tradition and dieta in the jungle of Peru over the past years and having gathered experience working as a facilitator at The Temple of The Way of Light in Peru, along my personal healing process, trainings and journey, I have come to understand the crucial importance of proper preparation and integration from an understanding of western developmental and integral psychology, somatics, but also yogic and Vedic tools, non=dual meditation and of course from within the realm of plant spirits itself.
A strategy rooted in experience and tradition in this powerful work with Plant Medicine makes the whole difference in the midst of a healing process.

If you need help and facilitation during your preparation and integration process do not hesitate to contact me regarding:

  • Ayahuasca Ceremony preparation and integration

  • Ayahuasca Ceremony facilitation

  • Plant Dieta guidance, preparation and integration

schedule a session with Niels Radtke

Integral Inquiry from a Prior Disposition

Integral Inquiry is a custom inquiry style I developed over years and that combines psychosomatic and spiritual tools, practices and schools from traditions, East, West and Shamanic/Indigenous, within an integral framework which allows to hold all these methods without hierarchy of preference or value, but within the wider scale or waves of the spectrum of Consciousness: Gross, Subtle, Causal, Non-Dual / Pre-personal, Personal, Transpersonal, Interpersonal.
This framework opens a wider therapeutic gameplay, allowing each method to be active on your waves that needs addressing at a certain stage within the healing/awakening process and evolution within your states of waking up and stages of growing up. Integral here means that all methods East, West and Shamanic/Indigenous are true, but partial, and instead of them competing which is the best, we open a wider frame in which they can coexists, just as they do in reality, addressing different layers of the spectrum and then apply them on different layers of the spectrum within your field for your personal healing and awakening process.

From a Prior Disposition relates to that which is prior to any activity of separation; reality itself from which everything arises, including our body, our mind and world within that body-mind. That which is always already free, the supreme and ground of All of It and All of Us. Established from within the prior disposition we can then observe, heal and transcend that which contracts into separation and self-contraction using Integral Inquiry to facilitate this process

Integral Inquiry is an evolutionary distillation of my ongoing personal healing and awakening journey around the world and deeply influenced by my practice, growth, research and professional experience in Ayurvedic life science, Premodern Hatha Yoga and modern transnational Yoga, Advaita Vedanta and contemporary non-duality (Adi Shankara, Swami Chinmayananda, Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo), Ancestral technologies within the indigenous Shipibo tradition of plant medicine, healing and Dieta, studied with Maestros Rono Lopez (Iquitos, Peru) and Jose Sanchez Lopez (Puccalpa, Peru), developmental psychology and integral theory (Ken Wilber), trauma informed inquiry techniques and somatics (Gabor Mate, Richard Condon, Peter Levine) within an Integral framework (Ken Wilber) and the Seventh’s Stage Prior Disposition (Adi Da Samraj).


This research is the basis of the ongoing development of my project YOGARAO Retreats and Treatment.

In line with these core activities I also work as a facilitator at The Temple of The Way of Light in the Peruvian Rainforest, a Psychotherapy assisted Ayahuasca Healing Center within the traditional healing system of the indigenous Shipibo tribe of the Amazon Jungle.

Online or off-line the process follows the same Integral Inquiry into exploration of your wounding patterns, your core Being and into all ramifications of your Life: Individual interior/exterior and collective interior/exterior.
But instead of sheer improving separate elements of your daily life, we will go to the core of your Reality and your Purpose as Life itself. The direct recognition of your true evolutionary identity will flood and ooze into all parts of your awakened lifestyle through the process of Growing Up, Waking Up, Cleaning Up and Showing up, working our way from personal, to pre-personal, to transpersonal to interpersonal and back on all levels and quadrants through all seven stages of Life.

1 | Unveil the Core : Personal
We will discover together the story of your actual life, your core identity and look at the nature of your desires for change, growth and awakening. What defines you today? Who do you believe you are and what you would like to achieve to feel better, why and how? Do you feel centered in your core or is that exactly the problem, you feel disconnected from your core or even fragmented? We will design a chart of your actual life pattern so that we have a good mutual understanding of who you understand yourself to be and what it is that needs attention. What is standing in the way of your truth?. What is the dilemma you are dealing with from the personal viewpoint and is this personal viewpoint or identity really you or is there more under the surface and what is that?

2 | Core Healing : Prepersonal
We will discover through Integral Inquiry techniques what is active subconsciously rooted in the early life development of your being: the pre personal stage, before ego was fully or more likely partially formed or active. What is really in command without you knowing it? What have been the significant impacts? Declarations? Collapsing or Compensations for these declarations? What declarations have you made about yourself? When and in what situation and context? We will start peeling layers of self-belief and self-delusion about the nature of your reality and identity, until we hit the core of Knowing that inherently dissolves the confusion between wound-cycles and Authentic Being. This process is very transformative and sometimes painful, as long standing convictions surely will crumble, fall or resist. Certain parts of your life will initiate a complete reset and restart.
Yet this is the most rewarding and exciting gift to yourself and to life itself, because when you wake up, we all wake up.
In stage two we start making conscious evolutionary changes in your lifestyle according to what you discover about your truth and purpose. During this stage we will oscillate between personal and pre-personal stages of your life in order for you to understand better the dynamics at play, repeating wound-cycles and early life trauma impacts and how that shapes your identity and how to give the dynamics at play the proper course correction and resolve in your personal healthy ego experience.

3 | Decontract Core : Transpersonal
The first two stages of this process have been dealing with your personal experience of yourself and the pre personal dynamic that have been creating distortions and have kept you stuck in wound-cycles. In order to experience a healthy stable ego that feels confident and free in most situations, we need to recognize, accept, investigate and nourish the repressed energies: fear, anger, sorrow and panic. These repressed parts or knots stand in the way of an embodied sense of self but also block access to higher spiritual states of Consciousness: subtle, causal and non-dual states of freedom and bliss. Before becoming spiritual we need to become human first. This is what we worked through in the first two stages of the process: becoming human. Now that we have stable healthy sense of self, we are ready to also differentiate from this state and allow the awareness to rise beyond the identification with the body-mind complex only. We can start access transpersonal states of Spiritual knowledge without being constantly pulled back down because of unresolved trauma and wound cycles. During this stage we will start to feel through recognition response the higher self and the reality itself in which our whole being arises in, we slowly shift from an egocentric viewpoint to a cosmo-centric awareness of our true condition: Consciousness itself from which everything arises, including our body, mind and the world created within that mind. We become available to deeply feel the infinite universe as our own embodied true self prior to any name and separation. Through recognition response we allow ourselves to release the root-knot of separation.

4 | Radiating Core : Interpersonal
From a cosmo-centric feeling and direct understanding of our human whole bodily reality as a free manifestation of life and light itself we access the realm of love. True love that shines from within our radiating core. A love that is not rooted within needs not being met during childhood. A love free from seeking safety and attachment at all cost and sacrifice of authenticity. A love that is a natural state of being: authentic, responsible and giving instead of taking or wanting. A love that is curious, medicinal, open and engaged. A love that enhances each other within the vast network of humans. A love that is a choice, not a demand. A love that frees our interpersonal dynamics, interactions and play. People are no longer experienced as a source of fear or threat, but as an opportunity for authentic relating and joy. Humanity is felt as family and community and the world is experienced as our home.
We will explore this love within your field of friends, family and strangers. We will explore how to engage in a playful and conscious manner with your peers and make everyday an opportunity to expand even more into the play of life and how to play this game until the end, as nothing that arises in the manifest world is ultimately permanent, but you, life itself, you are. Always already free.

“In time you will experience the changes and its implementation in your life to happen evolutionary and permanently. You do not need to wait until the end of this process or any final given date. It all happens naturally and pretty soon once you decided to really commit to the Awakening You.”

Sessions are on a 1:1 basis and scheduled on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Sessions are 1 hour and the time periods of coaching are possible from 1 to 6 sessions to 3 months, or longer if a long term life coach is requested.

Typically sessions include Integral Inquiry, but also Non-Dual Hatha Yoga and Meditation techniques, Ayurvedic and Plant-Based cooking, Personal Lifestyle and Healthcare Adjustments, reading suggestions, Real Life assignments and exercises to explore alone and with your partner, close relatives, colleagues and friends.

Sessions are available in English, French, Dutch and German.

schedule a session with Niels Radtke


A transformative process takes time. Coming from a place where you believe you already know, to allowing yourself to surrender to the natural state of not knowing, of trusting, takes true courage. This does not happen over night.
To encourage such a profound decision I believe that pricing should be fair and affordable over a longer period of process and growing.

During a first free interview we will asses together if this program is for you and if you are willing to offer the effort that comes with Healing and True Awakening.

We will set up a moral contract in which you commit to show up for your process.

Price per session is 100 EURO / 110USD
Price per 6 sessions 500 EURO / 530 USD
Discounts for longer commitments are discussed together

Payment is available via bank wire, Wise and PayPal
schedule a session with Niels Radtke


Send a email directly to Niels Radtke at
for any information regarding this program.

Coaching the awakening you