Integral Medicine

I am currently undertaking a deep research and self-practice for an “Evolutionary, Integral, Indigenous, Transpersonal, Non-Dual, Yogic, Ayurvedic Shamanism for Healing and Self Trancendence”. Here I share some of the foundations of this research until it is ready for publication and practical implementation.
You can read about my practice and trainings in

The Universe provides us with numerous Medicines and Teachers to help us awaken to the condition which Always Already the Case: Truth.
Consciousness gave us Yoga, Meditation, Advaita Vedanta, Sacred Mantras, Plant Medicine, Healing Food, Medicinal Music, Guiding Books and Awakened Human Beings in order for IT to Self-realise through US as US.
On this page I share an INTEGRAL approach about these medicines, mainly pre-modern, given to me throughout the last years by means of callings and following of those calls..
Besides the purpose of creating an effective healing and awakening system, I am very much concerned about the preservation of these pre-modern indigenous practices in order for them to survive the post modern influences of globalisation and dilution, to help modern practitioners get a better understanding of the origins of their practice and to ensure that these tools are used in their originally intended context for them to remain truly effective.
These pages reflect my personal studies, journey and calling and hopefully inspire you to dig deeper in this incredible endless ecstatic beauty of Knowing, until you again realise it for yourself.

note: Integral theory is Ken Wilber's attempt to place a wide diversity of theories and thinkers into one single framework. It is portrayed as a "theory of everything", trying "to draw together an already existing number of separate paradigms into an interrelated network of approaches that are mutually enriching."

Life, the evolutionary impulse, created us and uses us as a mirror and a looking glass to look at itself, to realise itself, through us, with us, as Us. Just like any Being on any realm and dimension. That is why we Wake Up to this purpose. Our task is to be and remain this polished and stainless mirror so that this Kosmic awakening can constantly take place, evolve, include and transcend: because when Life becomes smarter and evolves we become smarter and evolve with it. without separation. Because we are That.  Always already. This is our highest purpose in the temple of consciousness. This is the duty we must accept, kneeling, surrendering, because we only own it by being the embodied servants, the representative, Integral agents, the living expression of THAT WHAT IS, expressing That What expresses Us. There is no owner, there is only All of Us, All of It.

adi shankara

Hatha Yoga | Non-Duality
”Yoga should be given, not for the sake of yoga, but for the sake of the human being. Yoga is actually a science for mankind, for body, mind and spiritual growth. You should teach yoga to others in the same humble and compassionate manner as you would give medicine to a sick person. That should be the spirit in teaching, inspiring and guiding yoga”
- Swami Satyananda Saraswati.



Plant Medicine | Ayurveda
The distinction between plant medicine and medicinal food is almost to none. Once we reconnect with the plants of the living biosphere and let ourselves be taught by these egoless beings the knowledge of the true universe we are both fed and healed. I follow the paths of Shipibo and Ayurveda.
I will share videos, recipes, texts and other sources available that have come along my journey and healed me in various ways.



Scripture | Medicinal Sound
Some scripture, books and their writers are direct messengers of truth and in this section I will quote those that have resonated with me the most in a reading list.
We for long know that the universe is sound and vibration. Music and its healing power is the direct embodiment of it and is given to us by the Kosmos so that we can reunite with our origins beyond our personal limitations. Here are some of the better players and playlist I found to share with you.


Current Highlights:


Shamanic Roots of Yoga

This short film tells the story of how the first yogis who used the entheogenic plant brew Soma to access states of ecstasy developed the postures, breathwork, mantra and meditation practices of hatha yoga to achieve the same results.



Ramakrishna’s life story is told through slides, historic photographs and video. Includes film footage of two monastic disciples of Ramakrishna, Swamis Shivananda and Subodhananda, and an audio recording by another, Swami Abhedananda


Plant Medicine.
Other Worlds

Ayahuasca, the holy sacrament which the indigenous people and Shamans of the Amazon have known as a powerful holistic purgative medicine capable of great healing and transformation for thousands of years. The film ‘Other Worlds : A Journey Into The Heart Of Shipibo Shamanism’ by Jan Kounen primarily shows the therapeutic power of the Shamans and their plant teachers. This power is a type of ancestral psychoanalysis or human psychotherapy backed by 4,000 years of experience and practice.


Higher Yoga begins with Pranayama

Yoga begins with Pranayama and Progresses in Koshas. Swami Niranjanananda from Bihart School of Yoga in India on Hatha Yoga and pranayama according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Many people get “stuck” in asana and push that practice into a performance forgetting that it is only a preparatory step towards transcendence.
Please go to classes section on the practice of Yoga science.



Knee of Listening Adi Da Samraj

Adi Da Samraj.
The Knee of Listening

“But the only-by-me revealed and given way of “radical” understanding (or the one and only by-me-revealed and by-me-given Way of the Heart, or the only-by-me revealed and given Way of Adidam) is not associated with a “method” in this strategic (or seeker’s) sense. It does not begin with a dilemma and seek the solution to it or liberation from it. It has no goal different from (or superior to) the “radical” self-understanding (and the devotional heart-communion with me) with which it begins. The practice that is “radical” self-understanding is, itself, “radical” self-understanding, extending and enforcing itself. It is a positive (or non-problematic) action, rather than a remedial (or problem-based) action. In the process, “radical” self-understanding becomes more and more profoundly (and, at last, most perfectly) Aware of its Ultimate (and inherent, and inherently perfect) Source-Condition, even in apparent relation to all things.”

Adi Da Samraj. The Knee Of Listening: The Divine Ordeal of the Avataric Incarnation of Conscious Light . Get the book here on The Dawn Horse Press or kindle edition on Amazon



Sri Ramana

Ramana Maharshi was a renowned Indian sage who was regarded by many as an enlightened being. At age 16, a sudden fear of death captivated him and brought a great change in him. He became detached and initiated a process of self-enquiry. During his ‘death experience’, he became aware of a force which he recognized as his true ‘self’ and which he later identified with Ishwara. This led him on a journey of self-investigation or self-enquiry and his teachings are mainly centred around self-enquiry as a crucial method to clear away ignorance and attain spiritual enlightenment.


The Untethered Soul

Who are you? When you start to explore this question, you find out how elusive it really is. Are you a physical body? A collection of experiences and memories? A partner to relationships? Each time you consider aspects of yourself, you realize that there is much more to you than any of these can define. In this book, spiritual teacher Michael Singer explores the question of who we are and arrives at the conclusion that our identity is to be found in our consciousness, the fact of our ability to observe ourselves and the world around us. By tapping into traditions of meditation and mindfulness, Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization.


Art of Being

Ayurveda is the science of life, and an art of healing; where body, mind and spirit are given equal importance. This voyage of thousands of miles across India and abroad takes you on a unique poetic journey, where we encounter remarkable men of medicine or simply a villager who lives in harmony with nature.




Adi Da Samraj.
Ego death

One of the most clear and precise talks about ego, ego death, self contraction and the end of seeking and the trap of popular spirituality.



Documentary on the 100th birthday, life and teachings of the father of contemporary yoga T. Krishnamacharia




Shipibo Tradition

This documentary aims is to give back the speech to first people of Peru and to present their culture, their ancestral medicine; the Shipibo-Conibo.


A Brief History of Everything

Join one of the greatest contemporary philosophers on a breathtaking tour of time and the Cosmos.—from the Big Bang right up to the eve of the twenty-first century. This accessible and entertaining summary of Ken Wilber’s great ideas has been expanding minds now for two decades, providing a unified field theory of the universe. Along the way, Wilber talks on a host of issues related to that universe, from gender roles, to multiculturalism, environmentalism, and even the meaning of the Internet.


Hatha Yoga Project.

The Haṭha Yoga Project (HYP) is a five-year (2015-2020) research project funded by the European Research Council and based at SOAS, University of London which aims to chart the history of physical yoga practice by means of philology, i.e. the study of pre-modern texts on yoga, and ethnography, i.e. fieldwork among practitioners of yoga.




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(Coming Soon)