I. Hridaya Padmasan Sadhana | Bobinsana Sequence
Spiritual Heart Self awakening through the attitude of the Lotus pose
An Integral, Intermediate, purifying, body-mind cleansing sequence through the most powerful asanas and pranayam of pre-modern Hatha Yoga (1200 to 1500 CE) evolving towards the padmasan posture as a gateway to Prior Unity or Raja Yoga (Samadhi).
Originally classical Hatha asanas were designed to establish easily into the sitting poses for the development of further yogic practices : Pranayama, Mudra, Nada, Mantra and Meditation until transcendence of the ego activity restoring Unity (Yoga). Asana always had and has a preliminary status in pre-modern Hatha.
It is in this intention that the sequence is designed: to awaken as the Heart, to culminate into the lotus pose (padmasan) from where we then begin the path of the higher practices and meditations.
Peeling our way from the outside in, with as last attitude the Spiritual Heart and the deep, loving silence and knowledge that lies within this blissful state. The goal is direct experience of unity, our true condition, without separation, deep within the Heart of Consciousness itself.
After its inception in the forest of the Himalayan foothills in India, this sequence has grown exponentially during Master Plant Dietas within the Peruvian Shipibo tradition. Especially Bobinsana has been a loving guide and ally through the process of the expansion of this sadhana and is now energetically bound within the universal code of this practice, and therefor transmitted during the learning process of this practice, and embedded within the Sanskrit name of this sequence.
Bobinsana dietas are known for its heart opening qualities and for inducing empathy, compassion, self love, open communication and helping with emotional trauma release.
In the Amazon many indigenous peoples also use Bobinsana for its physical medicinal properties like arthritis and rheumatism, blood cleansing and diuretic effect, fever and pain reducing and uterine tonic effects. Very much like Hatha Yoga’s physical benefits.
The Bobinsana plant in some Shipibo tradition is also called Semein or Samui.
Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia)
Bobinsana is dieted to open the heart and give space for it to heal from intense grief, loss and sadness.
What to expect from this teachings
YOGARAO, or an Integral approach
Integrating Vedic knowledge with Plant Medicinal practice is the igniting spark of YOGARAO.
We are using Hatha, Ayurveda, Advaita Vedanta and Shipibo Vegetalismo in an integral way to heal from separation and to express and experience the non dual nature of even the seemingly dual material world.
In this Sadhana we do not seek anything. We will only find that which is always already the case.
Hatha practice from a Non-Dual approach is not a path to liberate ourselves from limitation, but to purify and liberate the Heart directly from the one who believes we are limited: the separate sense of self.
About this Sequence
We journey our way from tuning in our physicality, to Gayatri Mantra Sun Salutations variations, to pranayama, to supine, to prone, to chanting, to sitting, to lotus, to mantra meditation, to deep silence in the Spiritual Heart. When done with ease and attention this sequence can extend to 3 hours of practice. That is why it is a Sadhana.
Tuning the Human Instrument opening
The notion of warm up is not always clear in Hatha Yoga as there is no effort to be made as my teacher in India always pointed out to me. Yet in this workshop we do a full round of all articulations, arms, legs and spine in order to be fully aware of the instrument we are using: the body-mind complex. The warm up is a tuning the instrument before playing it.Gayatri Sun Salutation
The Gayatri mantra is one of the oldest mantras in the world found in the Rig Veda. This mantra brings us to our deepest understanding that the Conscious Light of the Universe is our own consciousness. It teaches us that the divine nature of the cosmos is our own divine nature and that it is evolving and waking up to itself as itself without separation.
The Gayatri mantra is incorporated in a Sun Salutation sequence in which we combine Prayer (to the Universe), Awareness (That we are that Universe), Flexibility, Lightness and Strength of Body-mind.
The Sequence is structured in 6 cycles starting and ending with pure mantra recitation. (a full mala can be chanted if so desired, but 9 recitations are standard)
Om bhūr bhuvah svaha
bhargo devasyadhīmahi
hiyo yo Naha prachodayāt
– Rigveda
We are meditating on the most blessed lustre of that light of that god, who is known as the sun, so that our intellect may be directed by it.
The core Hatha sequence
We follow a pre-modern yet contemporary approach to supine to prone to sitting posture order. Some standing poses have already been incorporated into the Gayatri Sun Salutations so that we can end the sequence with sitting postures (Padmasan or Siddhasana pose) and be sure we unlocked all (subtle) body parts.
The goal of this sequence is to rejuvenate and align the body energetically, balance the Doshas, open the hips, strengthen the spine and ribcage, and loosen the neck and shoulders for further more advanced pranayam and meditation practice. Yet this practice is complete and stand alone.
Hip openers are the building blocks of the last section of the workshop so that we rotate deeply the joints and bones in order to ease into the lotus position for longer periods of time..
Most poses in the sequence follow the logic of Hatha Yoga Pradipika in which asana is the preliminary and foundational basis for higher layers of meditational practice (Raja Yoga).
Non-Dual Heart Meditation closing
Comfortably established in the Padmasan sitting pose, Body, Heart and Mind neatly aligned, we cleared the ground for a non-dual meditation practice.
The final part of the Hridaya Padmasan Sadhana is a profound spiritual heart meditation in which we focus on Spanda, the Sacred Tremor of the Heart, infused with the intimate frequency of Bobinsana.
This mediation brings us out of the identification with mind and egoic self-contraction and awakens us into the centre of our being, the centre of the universe, our Heart, our Love, Love itself.
Through the Hridaya Padmasan Sadhana | Bobinsana Sequence you build for yourself a strong Foundation from which your life’s Experience thrives, resulting in a deep understanding of your true Condition as a Healthy Human Being, embodying your Original Soul’s Purpose and the Evolution of Source Itself.
The Padmasan Hridaya Sadhana | Bobinsana Sequence is also the foundation for the Akhand Sadhana Pranayam | Noya Rao sequence.
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