A journey around the world through the human experience and non-dual

Here are the diaries, the reflections, the feelings, the insights and the photos of this ongoing evolving journey. The drive behind THAT WHAT IS is to share, teach and give space to that what Life is in all its power, variety and richness and to be an intimate voice of this, an evolutionary pioneer reporting directly from the lustrous Source itself from which all is arising.
To express That which is expressing Me.

Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

The Ocean is the Mother of all life on Earth. Mexico

May 2023 - June 2023
… And so we have arrived, from Costa Rica, with the Infinity sailing ship in Mexico, Baja California, welcomed by whales and yet more dolphins, after a month on open sea: The Pacific Ocean.The Ocean is the Ancester and Mother of all life on Earth. She is stunning, raw, wild, lethal, medicinal and fragile…really very fragile…

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

The Momentum is Ripe for Treatment, Costa Rica.

February 2023 - March 2023

The more I open and turn towards life itself, in direct contact, medicinal, Prior, the more I understand the purpose of human life as a treatment in itself. It does not feel like a seeking anymore for answers or for liberation in life like people used to seek before or still do, but really more as a treatment.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Dieta Completion Cinco Medicos, Iquitos, Peru

April 2022 - July 2022
I finished a first cycle of Dietas with the five leading Doctor Plant Spirits within the Shipibo Mahua-Lopez lineage and tradition: Noya Rao, Marusa, Bobinsana, Mokapari and Chullachaqui (9 dietas in total) and close this first round of my apprenticeship as Curandero guided by Maestro Rono Lopez.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

I Became a Chullachaqui Man, Dieta, Iquitos, Peru

Dec 2021- Jan 2021

Some people got raised by Wolves.
I got raised by Sacred Plants and Master Trees.
Raised into the magic of a human being, an adult mature human male expressed by Conscious Light, our True Condition. Reality Itself. Always Already the Case. The Seventh Stage of Life. Self-Radiant

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Bobinsana, Visions of my Heart. Iquitos Peru

June 20 - July 10 2021

Every Life journey of Awakening, Human and Spiritual growth, there comes a point where you break into a deeper layer through the thick ice of ignorance on which you have been figure skating believing you have seen the light and are well established within it. 

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

That call does come. Germany, USA, Belgium.

February 9 1943 - May 6 2021

Out and about, planetary, galactic, blasting your past and your future into the pieces of the present moment, that hot, sweet, exciting, so so pure and loud present moment, without time, with all the time in the world, all the time before to stop one day and visit your parents.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Noya Rao. Tree of Light. Shipibo Dieta, Iquitos Peru

March 20 - April 10 2021
Lying on my back in my jungle hut after weeks of fasting during dieta with the Noya Rao tree, Ayahuasca ceremonies, hardly any food, just water and praying, sopla-ing with my pipe when hungry.The rain is falling in the rainforest. Everything is featherlight, the whole body is light as a feather.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

THAT WHAT IS. All of Us, All of It. Launch.

July 17 - September 3 2020
After several years of re-awakening, extensive travel and study and practice, I happily share my new website today: www.thatwhatis.com
All that I learned, un-learned and integrated is neatly poured and packed into an evolving online yoga, meditation, plant medicine, travel and awakening coaching platform.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Huachuma, The key to heaven. Pisac, Peru

March 17 - July 16 2020
Grace comes. It does come to you when you drop all desires of wanting or insisting anything to be different than it already is. The gates of Heaven, Earth and Heart open when you are ready to leave everything behind that is not Love. When you let go all you made up out of ignorance, anger, pride and fear of others, the world and yourself.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

One month of Lockdown. Sacred Valley, Pisac, Peru.

March 16 - April 16 2020
Fall has come to the southern hemisphere, as Peru is just under the equator. I am in Pisac, in the Sacred Valley, Valle Sagrado, in the Andean Highlands, in the heart of the Inka Empire. This place radiates with Bliss. The weather has been changing, the rains are over and the beautiful sunny dry fall/winter season has come to the green hills and terrasses.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Ayahuasca Jungle Dieta. Picuro Yacu, Iquitos, Peru.

February 2020
Staying with Shaman Don Luis and his family, friends and co-dieters in the Amazonian jungle in Peru for a full month Ayahuasca dieta - hosted by Gaston and Lucille - has been the most beautiful and the most terrifying space-time I have ever been within.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Malteosh! Lake Atitlan, El Castillo, Tikal. Guatemala.

January 2020
Doing a silent meditation retreat is fairly easy, one two or three yoga ttc is also easy, travelling through Guatemala with a colourful group of 15 beautiful individuals with a defined separate sense of self is a challenge of life as it is ... also.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Hatha and Advaita. Hridaya Yoga. Mexico.

November - December 2019
What happens when a Romanian yoga master decides to open a non-duality hatha yoga and meditation centre in a sleepy Mexican paradise beach village ? ... you get a most precious, caring and humble community and sangha of LOVE, unconditional love from the heart, in the heart as the heart.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Time to go. Obrigado Portugal, Muito obrigado. Teja!

October - November 2019
Fall, rain and mist have come also to the mountains of Portugal and time is not standing still it is creeping silently through the days, like bramble, like a smiling snake, through every crack in the rocks, around the house. Our house. Mushrooms, salamanders, mantises feast on crickets …

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Awakened Life Project. Quinta de Mizarela Ashram.

September 2019. 
Awakened Life Project. Portugal. 
Yes I have surrendered to allow life to be me..., us..., that... This is going beyond a “spiritual life”, “spiritual seeking”, “yogic path” or “being spiritual”, this is about life as it is, always already is, beyond anything that can be named nor desired.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

That day has come. Done. Brussels, Belgium.

August 2019
I made a short stop, a few weeks, in Belgium Brussels to let go of my apartment that I was subletting and my old life connected to it. I put some of my most dear belongings and kitchen appliances in boxes, stored it with my dear friends at the Vuursteen Hoeve and packed a small 40L back pack.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Love is the gold standard. Portugal. off-grid.

June - July 2019
After 9 months of travelling there comes a state when you no longer think in terms of days, or weeks or even months, only the present moment is real, timeless, now, the infinity where Love is the gold standard of all measure.

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