Intermediate to advanced ego-trancending Hatha Chakra sequence focussing on the awakening of Kundalini through strong use of repetitions of Bhanda, Mudras and Pranayam until suffocation. The name Akhand means eternal and can be used as is, as only Yoga practice, as it combines and contains all the main techniques of the Hatha Yoga science. This sequence works its way up from muladhara to Sahasrara via all the chakras using techniques like Ashwini Mudra, Plavini, Brahmari pranayam, Shakti Shalan and Agnisar.
This Sadhana practice brings direct recognition of what is and shifts consciousness from being into becoming, somewhere between the present moment and the future.
For more Information and booking as group or one-to-one sessions contact me via email
What to expect from this class
Warm Up
The notion of warm up is not always clear in Hatha Yoga as there is no effort to be made as my teacher in India always pointed out to me. Yet in this workshop we do a full round of all articulations, arms, legs and spine in order to be fully aware of the instrument we are using: the body-mind complex. The warm up is a kind of tuning the instrument before playing it.
Gayatri Sun Salutation
The Gayatri mantra is one of the oldest mantras used by yogis and comes from the Rigveda. This mantra brings us to our deepest understanding that the Conscious Light of the Universe is our own consciousness. It teaches us that the divine nature of the cosmos is our own divine nature that is evolving and waking up to itself without separation.
Om bhūr bhuvah svaha
bhargo devasyadhīmahi
hiyo yo Naha prachodayāt
– Rigveda
We are meditating on the most blessed lustre of that light of that god, who is known as the sun, so that our intellect may be directed by it.
The Gayatri mantra is incorporated in a Sun Salutation sequence in which we combine Prayer (to the Universe), Awareness (That we are that Universe), Flexibility, Lightness and Strength of Body-mind.
The Sequence is structured in 6 cycles starting and ending with pure mantra recitation. (a full mala can be chanted if so desired, but 9 recitations are standard)
Main Sequence
This 13 step sequence can be taken in a standard version or a long version where the certain mudras (Maha Mudra, Maha Bandha and Maha Bheda) and some Pranayam are held each for 108 times until suffocation.
The complete sequence is held in sitting pose only, ideally in Padmasan but also Siddhasan works very well. Each pose is a combination of asana, Mudra and pranayam which at first seem simple but when held are pretty intense especially as they are held until suffocation. After many repetitions of this sequence one experiences kundalini shakti and trancendance of separate sense of self into bliss and very often spontaneous lasting Kevala kumbhak is given to the Yogi.
This sequence has many rejuvenating side effects. The complete practice of shat karma is recommended in the early stages of this Sadhana. The sequence evolves into a long non-dual meditation session of between 30 min to 3 hours.
When done with ease and attention this sequence can extend from 3 hours of practice to 6 hours to sometimes a day.
That is why it is a Sadhana and is to be taught as a complete workshop over several days to get familiar with all the different techniques inside this practice.
Beginners cannot benefit from this sequence as the demand of previous knowledge, surrender and practice is too high. A minimum of 2 or 3 years of regular asana and pranayam is required too be able to sustain this Sadhana.
This sequence had been given to me through constant practice of the Hatha Yog and Pranayam teachings of my teacher Sri Charat Singh in Uttharkand, India.
This sequence comes from the Himalayan Yogis, the lineage of Swami Yogeshwarand Saraswati. Grand teacher of the founders of Yog Niketan, India.
For more Information and booking as group or one-to-one sessions contact me via email
My Teacher Training Certifications
At some point in my process it became clear I would be a teacher. I decided to go to India in order to get properly qualified as a Yoga Science and Meditation Teacher and enrolled into more traditional Ashrams and schools to obtain first-hand quality training and education.
I also enrolled Hridaya Yoga in Mexico and qualified for Module 1.
To view my certificates please click here.