YOGARAO | Retreat Peru
New dates for 2022 announced soon.
Evolutionary Vedic Shamanic Retreat for Deep Healing and Self Realization.
Join us for an Integral fourfold approach to worlds most powerful holistic Medicinal and Spiritual practices: pre-modern Hatha Yoga, Ayurveda, Non-Dual Vedanta and Shipibo Vegetalismo precisely woven into a 10/15 days step by step evolutionary retreat.
What is YOGARAO?
YOGARAO : The Science of Consciousness (Yoga)
integral within the Technology of Master Plant Spirits (Rao)
They key to intuitively, integrally and evolutionary unite pre-modern Hatha Yoga science, Ayurvedic practice, Advaita’s Direct Knowing and Shamanic indigenous technology, is mastering, aligning and weaving the Yogic cosmic, spiritual and biological powers of all realms, the shamanic plant medicine and spirit-allies of all origin, the Non-Dual Direct understanding of Reality itself and the universal Ayurvedic five elements, Gunas and Doshas of Life and then channel them further, with precise cognized and articulated intension within the human instrument, for Self Realization, for other humans in need, and for all existing non-human beings, in all dimensions of Reality, for the main purpose of Transpersonal Healing, Realignment, Awakening, True Kindness and Peace. That is direct Medicinal Understanding and its Execution. That is YOGARAO
Non-dual integral direct understanding assures that one is always aware that our True Condition is Consciousness itself from which all is always already arising, including one self, the body-mind complex and the world. Only Source is Real, all the rest appears to be.
Shamanic Vegetalismo calls in and applies the spirits-allies of sacred Master Plants, their knowledge and code and allows them to operate effortlessly through the Central Human Medium of the Healer through the power and precise intention and instructions of the sung Icaros.
Hatha Yogic
Pre-modern Hatha Yoga realigns and purifies the body-mind complex into a strong yet fluid conscious and ego transcended human and humane entity attuned, through the State of Yoga, to the laws of the universe and United with its Divine Nature,. Reality itself.
Ayurveda holistic technology feeds and heals the individual body-mind type and places the unbalanced human again within the Kosmic order of all things for a disease-free long life giving more time for the process of Awakening to complete within a life time.
A clean nervous system, psycho-fysical flexibility, focused attention and a balanced harmonious energy body are the basic groundwork for advanced plant medicine work aided by meditation and deeper understanding of our true nature.
YOGARAO retreats aim to support us in familiarizing us with these practices and guides us in strengthening those foundations to reach a higher level in our plant dietas, ceremonies, Yoga and ultimately in our Daily Lives.
Not just combining, but building an integral ladder starting with Ayurveda then pre-modern Hatha, then non-dual Vedanta and finally Shamanism and Plant Medicine to reach the higher states of Consciousness gradually evolving from gross to subtle layers of awareness, purification, understanding and independence.
Each step includes and transcends the previous ones to establish a new base for the next steps.
That is the evolutionary process driving YOGARAO forward.
“These four paths, Combined, Interactive, Integral and Complementary, give place to a bio-psychic spiritual and energetically transformative process of tremendous intelligent conscious light-in-evolutionary-action with relations in all directions, which includes and transcends its separate elements and which pushes itself further in an evolved fashion through the nature of growth itself and is always in service of all Higher Good.”
What is offered during a YOGARAO retreat and why?
Even though the YOGARAO vision is integral and we conceived the process as one Evolutionary Medicinal whole process, its Vedic and Shamanic elements are offered in a step-by-step structural flow towards that profound integral experience, in its understanding, execution and integration of YOGARAO’s vision.
The retreat is designed to be as much as a Healing and Purification vessel, but also an apprentice opportunity to learn within workshops and interactive lectures about Vedic and Shamanic Integration for Self Realization in order to see the Universe through its own Eyes, as the Universe Itself.
The retreat’s content and servings are a beautiful preparation for a future Dieta, giving you a set of tools to navigate.
“If we can develop a healing and awakening model that is totally in line with the modus operandi of the Evolutionary Impulse than we have a great chance of success in opening a Shamanic Gateway for real-time transformation and growth at the same ratio as the Universe’s growth itself.”
3 / 5 Ayahuasca Ceremonies served by a Shipibo Maestro (10 days/15 days retreat option)
Ayahuasca proprietary brew containing Chaliponga, Noya Rao and Bobinsana
Solo jungle huts for privacy during your process
Pre-modern Hatha Yoga activation according to Hatha Pradipika, Shiva Samhita and Gheranda Samhita
Teaching of 2 propriety Hatha postural sequences (Bobinsana and Noya Rao sequence)
Daily Hatha Yoga Pranayama breath technique for nadi purification and mental clarification
Shipibo Mapacho (Tobacco) purge and Flowerbaths
Interactive sessions on pre-modern and modern Vedanta Non-Duality and its main teachers
Hatha Yoga Mudra (body-lock) initiation for Higher Conscious practice and Chakra activation
Workshops on Shipibo Icaro language and singing
interactive session on Plant Medicine and Soma within Vedic and Yogic tradition
River bathing and Hikes around the center
Interactive workshops on Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Cooking and Ayurveda Life Style
Introduction into Shipibo healing plants and their properties
Daily Non-Dual Self Inquiry Meditation (Self-Transcendence)
Mind Inquiry and trauma release meditation (self-Improvement)
Introduction into the Shipibo Tradition and History
Daily Ayurvedic Tri-Dosha, Sattva Guna meal plan prepared with fresh local, tropical ingredients
Introduction into cleansing Non-Dual Mantra Meditation and its real-life application
Daily open Sharing Circles for integration and growth
Understanding of Integral Life and YOGARAO and how to apply it on your own life journey
Integral Preparation for your future Dietas with Amazonian Masterplants and how to navigate them
Integral Vision of YOGARAO
Daily Ayurvedic tri-dosha sattvic meals from ingredients of the local tropical markets
What you go home with
The goal of a YOGARAO retreat is that besides your transpersonal integral process within the retreat itself, you go home packed with firsthand experience and tools for Self Practice and Self Care after the retreat so that you have the means in your own hands and Heart to nurture your growth and self realization
post retreat and beyond. You will also be well prepared for a future Dieta if you wish to do so.
Understanding of your True Condition and Highest Truth
A deep reset of your body mind system and identification
Purification of your self image and its misunderstandings
A fresh, updated and purified sense of Self
First hand experience and knowledge of Master Plants
Prepared to navigate future Dieta integrally
Knowledge of the Shipibo tradition and healing methods
Knowledge of the Roots of Yoga and Vedic knowledge
Integrated Hatha sequence for self practice (asana + pranayama + mudra)
Understanding of your Ayurvedic Body type and how to balance it daily
How to cook for your Ayurvedic body type
Personal Mantra Meditation practice
Maintain optimal health through nutrition and self-care
How to face and recognize your emotions and traumas
Mentor your own Awakening process avoiding pitfalls
Express That which is Expressing You
We’ll look at some of the important Non Dual Vedanta Teachers and Teaching through history: Adi Shankara, Ramana Maharshi, Swami Chinmayananda, Anandamayi Ma, Adi Da Samraj, Ken Wilber…
Who is this retreat for and who not
This retreat is open to all who have a true calling for an integral approach of their spiritual path, for those who want to deepen their yogic practice within the world of medicines, for those who are committed in their work with the plants and feel that Vedic practice will accelerate their process, for those who truly care about their nutrition and self care and want to broaden their healing in the wider Astral Realm. For yoga teachers and spiritual and medicinal fascilitators. For those who deeply crave Self-Realization. For those who feel deeply called for this retreat. People looking for a set of tools to navigate a future Dieta more easily.
We require no great skill but a minimum of experience in order to enjoy the deepening of your transpersonal and transformational process is recommended.
Please if you feel called, but have any doubts about your ability please contact us and we will discuss this together. Do feel welcomed to join.
As the vision and practice of YOGARAO inevitably will evolve, include and transcend over space and time, and more retreats (and also Dietas) will manifest with deeper interwoven medicinal techniques to integrate and transcend, you’ll have the opportunity to come back and deploy your integral journey together with us over time.
People on any medication and people wishing to work on their specific mental and physical health issues might want to abstain and seek a more specified healing centre for their specific healing request. As this retreat contains workshops and interactive sessions you might want or need a more quiet type of treatment environment with less activities.
This retreat is not suited for pregnant women, please do come after childbirth.
Retreat Facilitators
Niels “Senen Soi” Radtke
Niels started his integral path about five years ago, gradually healing and growing through including and transcending of pre-modern Hatha Yoga science according to Hatha Pradipika, Holistic Ayurveda and Non-Dual Vedanta in traditional ashrams India, until the calling came from the Master Plants to come and learn with them in Peru in order to integrate these indigenous technologies as well. He sat with Huachuma in the Andes and dieted Ajo Sacha, twice Bobinsana and twice Noya Rao in the Amazon Jungle.
Niels received the cristal clear vision of YOGARAO during his deep and intimate dietas with Noya Rao, the Tree of Light. She gave him the Structure and Process, the name YOGARAO, its Symbol and the Duty to bring this integral fourfold path into the world to share and to serve. This retreat is the fruit of this given instruction and knowledge.
Niels works also as a Vedic Counselor, Pre-modern Hatha Yoga teacher and Ayurvedic Chef.
He holds five Yoga TT certifications (RYT 500)
He is also founder of THAT WHAT IS .com
Shipibo Maestro Rono Lopez
Rono Lopez is a Shipibo Maestro from the Ucayali region of Peru who has more than thirty years of experience in working with plant medicines of the jungle. As a youth he apprenticed with several maestros, but it was his grandfather, with whom he developed the deepest connection.
Rono opened his own centre in the jungle of Iquitos near Nauta. The land is home of countless medicinal plants and trees like Noya Rao, Chullachaqui, Bobinsana, Marusa and Chiric Sananga amonst many more.
Rono Lopez is humble yet charismatic, and is a passionate teacherr. Besides serving Medicine during Ceremony he will also teach about the Shipibo tradition, Icaros and his family lineage.
Retreat Location: Mokan Rate
Founded as an act of sacred service. Mokan Rate is a safe space to access Peru’s shamanic plant medicine therapies including La Madre Ayahuasca.
The Garden of Peace is located in a lush green valley where the Andes meet the Amazon in North West Peru approximately 2 hours from the city of Tarapoto. This “high jungle” has a fairly moderate climate ranging between 15 and 35 degrees and the air truly pulses with the raw energy of this ancient landscape. This purpose built home and healing center is a sanctuary for deep plant medicine work.
This is why it is chosen as the perfect partner and location to unfold the power of YOGARAO together with you.
Please note that the venue has minimal facilities, no bathroom inside the huts and you’ll be sucked into raw jungle life in order to face your cravings, expectations and conditioning.
Tambos in the jungle
The green abundant lush Jungle around the Center providing the raw life energy for growth
We offer two time options 10 day extendable to 15 days for those who want to go deeper. However 15 days are recommended but you have the option. Both options are deeply immersive and we make sure that you will have a full YOGARAO experience according your time schedule and budget. Both options start on November 8.
10 day option: 1450usd
15 day option: 1850usd
Included in both options are:
Transport from Tarapoto Airport and back (on starting date and ending date of retreat)
Pre retreat Ayurveda Dosha test
Solo Jungle Hut in the forest around the center
All meals (breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
All workshops and interactive sessions
Printed YOGAROA retreat workbook (available as ebook as well for those who travel very light)
All Ayahuasca ceremonies
Daily 2h Hatha Yoga sessions and initiations
Daily 2h Vedantic Meditation (1h morning and 1h evening)
Cleanses, baths and purges
A non refundable deposit of 40% is required to secure your spot and as a sign of your full commitment to the process and group.
How to get here
The Garden of Peace is located in North West Peru. The closest major city is approximately 2 hours from The Garden of Peace and is called Tarapoto. In Tarapoto there is a domestic airport connecting with daily flights from Lima, Iquitos and other major Peruvian centres.
If you are traveling from Lima, bus and plane are both good options to reach Tarapoto.
We recommenced the following companies:
When you are travelling by Plane inside Peru to Tarapoto
these are the recommended Bus companies
We normally collect our guests from Tarapoto airport or in the town center by arrangement at the time of confirming your visit.
After Tarapoto, the next closest centre to us is a small village called Lamas which you can reach by catching a collectivo taxi from Tarapoto. From Lamas, it’s somewhat of an adventure to reach us, get in touch and we can speak to you directly about this if that’s your preference.
This Map is to give you a general idea of our location and please note that its not an exact location of our retreat center. We will direct you about our location map once you get in touch with us.
How to prepare and what to bring
Even though this retreat is not a Dieta (yet) we do requiere you to adopt a Dieta style type of nutrition a full week - or more if possible - ahead and post retreat. You’ll navigate through the retreat way more easily and spend less time cleansing :
EAT pure vegetarian food and fresh fruits, with no salt, no hot spices, no saturated fats, no hard cheeses
NO meat, alcohol, recreational drugs, cigarettes, processed food nor snacks like chips, chocolate and crackers, stimulants nor chemical health supplements.
Please Bring:
Your yoga mat if you have one
Loose Yoga-Wear for Hatha sessions
Loose shawls or thin blanket to wrap yourself during Meditations
Ceremonial Wear and your altar if you have one
Your (dieta) pipe if you own one
A mala for Mantra Meditation (we can use timer for those who don’t have one)
Enough versatile all weather summer clothes for the retreat (a washing machine is available but during rain takes more time to dry)
A comfy jumper for those chilly moments
Rain jacket
water bottle
Earplugs for Meditation and Prathyahara (and for sleeping as bugs at night can be loud if you are sensitive)
Long sleeve teeshirts, sweaters and socks (there are almost no mosquitos around the center but some do come)
Rubber boots in case of rain
Your books or Kindle
Pen and paper to journal or draw
Candles and lighters for your hut or other rechargeable light source (no electricity inside the huts)
There is electricity in the main house to charge tech, but no cellphone connection