Hatha and Advaita. Hridaya Yoga. Mexico.
Spanda, the tremor of the spiritual Heart.
What happens when a Romanian yoga master decides to open a non-duality Hatha Yoga and meditation centre in a sleepy Mexican paradise beach village ? ... you get a most precious, caring and humble community and sangha of LOVE, unconditional love from the heart, in the heart as the heart.
Mexico was the first Latin country I set foot on. At first it was shock after India culturally (where were the temples?) and physically after the cold weather in Portugal and New York.
Sleeping in front of the fireplace at Merkaba my body had prepared everything for a winter cycle after some seasons of non-stop summer. The tropical weather in Mazunte shook it all up so hard that I almost cried daily the first two weeks, I was boiling in my blood day and night and my system almost collapsed. Yet little by little I adapted and my breezing organism was diving the warm huge waves of the ocean. I had a crush on this little town and the beautiful people there.
I was was attracted to Hridaya Yoga for the seemingly incompatible approach of combining Hatha Yoga and Advaita Vedanta as in my learning they are almost opposite. Hatha teaches you a path - maybe even remedial - that when you follow this technique to achieve that goal of enlightenment, out of suffering. Advaita, at least modern non-duality, states that you are already free, always already the case, you just believe you are not and you only have to transcend the self contraction that keeps you in the illusion of suffering.
But seen in the looser context of Hridaya where both co-exist in a looser framework and the techniques of Hatha are preparation for the Advaita and the self-inquiry of non-duality bring the observer into the Hatha practice and make it less focussed on the body-mind complex. It actually does work really well together as a teaching system for new students as well as advanced practitioners.
It was the first time my intuition has been confirmed: Hatha and Advaita can be tough and practiced together If you act out the right position: awaken to that what is already and not become a better version of yourself through a remedial path.
Hridaya and Mazunte you stole my heart, opened my heart and became my heart.
I love you always.
Hridaya Module 1 intensive Certificate