Dieta Completion Cinco Medicos, Iquitos, Peru
A Golden Angel, Pure Pure Light,
That is who we are Inside.
I finished a first cycle of Dietas with the five leading Doctor Plant Spirits within the Shipibo Mahua-Lopez lineage and tradition: Noya Rao, Marusa, Bobinsana, Mokapari and Chullachaqui (9 dietas in total) and close this first round of my apprenticeship as Curandero guided by Maestro Rono Lopez.
A Dieta note extract:
« Life is finding its way to self-realisation through all of us (and all of it). Whenever its finds a working way, it knows the path better and will build that pathway in into the next generations of humans/beings/Kosmos.
There have been a few true enlightened beings in the past, there will be more and more in the future. It will be the norm. Higher levels each time, new stable higher surface structures.
Millions, … Billions of people are all « working », consciously or unconsciously for the progress of Life’s further Self-realisation, like little ants in service of the Divine, some know, some don’t, but everyone is. Everyone is a work in progress as a vehicle for Reality Itself, Spirit in Action. Those who don’t fully know, Life will get stuck at that level and will choose, or maybe force a different route. Those who know, those who are aware of Higher Consciousness in whatever way, even if they are not seeking enlightenment, but fully embrace the human experience, fully embrace their individual expression, through them Life will further those pathways as potential gateways to its own Self-realisation. It will create these paths over and over again, through new generations, developmental dynamics and rebirths, until one, or more, or all of them fullfill the mission: Universe’s Perfected Self Awakening.
People think they will find personal self-realisation but Life is doing it for them, as them, so that they find and transcend and become the Divine Consciousness, and from there higher stable levels will be reached.
Many lines in many dimensions, levels and stages, all leading to the same Self Radiant Consciousness, the Ground and Roof of all and All. Always already the case.
Like a sun in reverse, rays shining into it and every Soul is one of the rays on its way into the sun, into Self-realisation and then into Avatar stage (8th stage of Life).
Conscious Light then takes on action and form as Avatar.
As Self-realised Consciousness it will choose a form and action yet unkown, in a dimension yet unknown. Not necessarily on Earth only.
Serve all this through Love.
Serve this as Medicine. »
Maestro Rono Lopez