Noya Rao. Tree of Light. Shipibo Dieta, Iquitos Peru
When this Light shines on you, then this Light is Loving you. It is the Love of Noya Rao.
Shipibo Yogi
Lying on my back in my jungle hut after weeks of fasting during dieta with the Noya Rao tree, Ayahuasca ceremonies, hardly any food, just water and praying, sopla-ing with my pipe when hungry.
The rain is falling in the rainforest. Everything is featherlight, the whole body is light as a feather, translucent, shining light from the inside out. Skinny, strong and healthy. Yogic health. Yogic body. Yogic Mind. Yogic science. Chakras humming cosily aligned, Ayurvedic Doshas in Balance and under control.
I breathe as the junglei itself in a completely relaxed state never experienced before. I close my eyes, sitting in Lotus for hours, all is light, original sacred light geometry, no thought passes, just sweet bliss, sensual silent, yes sexual bliss. The most quiet and long orgasm imaginable, a life-gasm. Around me are all the subtle noises of all the rain forest creatures near and far, thick rain drops are falling on the palm leaf roof and the abundant vegetation of the forest. All walls are just made of mosquito net. All air is open. I lie naked, snug under my thin blanket and the right word here is Peace, pure Peace of all existence yet fully lush with life, sound and energy, but timeless yet active on all levels and Dimensions of living everlasting and Evolving Non-Dual Trancendental Integral Consciousness. Bright. The Bright.
The jungle and my body have the same sweet temperature, breathing is nourishment. Prana itself. Noya Rao, the Masterplant I am dieting, is flooding, overflowing my system on every subtle level, oozing out of my pores, full frontal flood of lightlove, releasing immense roaring power, dinosour power, star intelligence straight from Source, showers of intricate lightcodes are falling down straight into my third eye, down the spine, rushing through the lines of the ribs, hips and feet, cleansing, upgrading, amplifying every code of DNA in every cell of my body and brain, flushing out all accumulated traumatic filth from within my bones and mind’s shadows. I am dancing, Ayahuasca and Noya Rao are dancing me, swirling, my body is levitating and the Plant Spirit is rushing through me, my fingers, hands, arms, legs, spine are performing and expressing - on auto-pilot - the most exotic and sacred Mudras and Mantras. Icaros are imprinting themselves on my vocal cords, Spirit connecting itself within my Spirit. Bonding. Growing an eternal star-alliance and a white radiant protective astral power shield for my whole organism, heart, mind and soul. This is the sweetest friendship ever. Trust, Love and velvet Joy itself is flowing through every vertebrae and around every molecule of my life-created body-mind complex.
Noya Rao has givien me the most intense sexual dreams with the most gorgeous of angels. Sexual lush multi-erotic angels, fairies and godesses of a beauty and intensity hardly to describe. All this in the most Silent-Silk-Silence, bathing my Heart in powder soft beats of the golden Universe. This is like making Love with Love itself. This gentle loving interpenetration feels like the closest feeling of an embreyo in a warm womb one can get, the womb of life, the womb of the warm moist Rainforest, cared for by infinite true kindness, miraculous medecine spirits and luminous astral strength of Noya Rao’s deepest roots. This is rejuvenation, this is craft, this is your final rebirth by a perfectly mastered Shipibo dieta and shipibo Maestro, Indigenous Technology of the purest, minimal, with precise power and effort, direct and intimate Plant-Human symbioses. True healing through numerous subtle channels and holons within holons of intelligent life forms communicating intergalactic opaline light strings of pure quantum evolutionary knowledge. Sealed, locked in and crowned within the symphonic process of the final Arkana, executed, orchestrated by the Maestro and etched within my deepest essence Forevermore. Genius.
Watch the video of my Talk with Maestro Rono Lopez
Maestro Rono Lopez
True Awakening is not your personal liberation from your mind or thoughts, the separate sense of self or any of such down town fashion, but the Real-Time Real-Life directly experienced, fully awake and understood unlocking of your soul’s True Purpose and True Condition throughout ALL your reincarnations until the Divine offspring from Divine Mother and Her original intention of the birth of your soul’s blueprint. ALL your reincarnations, millions, and ALL your mothers and ALL your fathers reincarnations, and ALL their fathers’ and mothers’ reincarnations. The free unfolding and release of life’s evolutionary radiance from Your very Origin up till this very moment. Unlocked in direct understanding of your Truth as Truth itself, as Love itself.
All bondage is undone so that the original onset can manifest always without restriction from any conditional code accumulated throughout time, lives and briths. Your whole lineage is liberated, and eventually ALL of humanity’s lineage, all root contractions untied, the whole line until the birth of your Soul from within Divine Mother, every single reincarnation in any realm is released from its restriction that lead to rebirth after rebirth until true liberation to its original Purpose: Divine Mother’s evolutionary offspring into a new light of radiance as You, her offspring, not a conditioned seeking you but the free blooming of life’s offspring within it’s originally intended course of Being. Freed from any conditioning of any previous rebirths, this lifetime included, which were all attempts to flower to this true Self manifestation Here and Now. Reality itself always already the case. Love. Understood.
Gracias Noya Rao, Muchísimas Gacias!
Gracias Ayahuasca , Muchísimas Gacias!
Gracias Maestro, Muchísimas Gracias!
Bathing in the river
This Light is Loving You. (Lyrics Niels Radtke)
When the light is shining through, this light is coming from within, it is the light of noya rao
When this light shines on you, then this light is loving you, it is the love of noya rao
When this light is healing you, healing us and healing me, then this light is noya rao
When this light is loving you, loving us and loving me, then this love is noya rao
When this light is calling you, listen closely and come through, it’s the song of noya rao
When you sing within this light, words are clear and words are bright, then is song is meant for you.
La la la lala lala la la
La la la lala la la lala
Cuando la luz está brillando, esta luz viene de dentro, es la luz de Noya Rao.
Cuando brilla sobre ti, esta luz te ama mucho, Este es el amor de Noa Rao.
Cuando esta luz te está curando, curándonos sanándome, esta luz es Noya Rao.
Cuando esta luz te ama, amándonos amándome, este amor es Noya Rao.
Cuando la luz te está llamando, escucha bien ven por aqui, es la canción de Noya Rao.
Cuando cantas dentro la luz, letras claras y brillantes, Esta canción es para ti
La la la lala lala la la
La la la lala la la lala
Noya Rao Medecine and Noya Rao Pipe