Ayahuasca Jungle Dieta. Picuro Yacu, Iquitos, Peru.
It is never nothing, yet it is always nothing.
Staying with Shaman Don Luis and his family, friends and co-dieters in the Amazonian jungle in Peru for a full month Ayahuasca dieta - hosted by Gaston and Lucille - has been the most beautiful and the most terrifying space-time I have ever been within. This was not just an another experience, but a rite of passage, a sadhana, a most profound direct transmission by one of the most enlightened Master of Masters: non-separate, non-dual Mother Nature, La Naturaleza.
My Jungle Casita
Living in la selva, the jungle, in a casita - a wooden hut on stelts - with only mosquito nets as open free walls (inside is outside), no electricity, no data network, no toilet (you choose a spot in the bush), no bathroom ( you wash at the well with the softest water coming out of the earth), no nothing just the living Life that absorbs you and reinstates you - without compromise - as an integral part of the jungle and the whole intense and damp fertile Biosphere and its DNA, up to the stars and the neverending vastness of the cosmos beyond all galaxies until Savitri, until The Bright - from which all this is arising. Any illusion of seperation evaporates instantly: a healing of generations of separation. The nights are louder than New York City or Mumbai during rush hour, the orchestration of the concerto of the innumerable creatures in and around the Casita, the land and the Maloka is just miraculous, rich, dense with raw texture and mystery. The energy of life with endless spontaneous recombinations of itself, the cooling thunderstorms at night and the spirits of the lush sentient surrounding plants are all-encompassing and you are not breathing with your mouth but with your whole life, your whole being, your whole body, your whole heart as The Heart. You are beyond witnessing, you are the cool green fresh organic breath of Gaia herself ...In...out...In...out...
A dieta consits of eating - or fasting on - just a little bland (no salt, sugar, onion, garlic, spice, fat, oil) vegan food cooked on open fire - once or twice a day. At the end the dieta is broken with some spoons of onion, salt and lime juice. you spend most of the time, sometimes sweating in heat, meditating by yourself and with the Masterplant, chosen by the plant itself through the Shaman for you during your first ceremony. You drink it every day first thing. Every second day the nights are rythmed by Madre Ayahuasca ceremonies in the Maloka, guided by Luis’ powerfull Icaros. Week after week. Some are spectacular beyond description, some are pure Hell beyond description and trenscending your deepest fear is needed to continue.
Picuro Yacu Jungle near Iquitos.
As time moves on, you relax and surrender deeper and deeper in this process and the more the body-mind becomes empty, skinny, shiny, cleansed, purged, light and less and less resistant, the stronger and directer you connect with the Masterplants and the more the Medicine and it’s silent teachings become a clear generous relationship. Because yes this is Medicine, not pharma. It is Guru. It is Darshan. It is Satsang. Free from any governmental politics, police regulations, financial ambition, egoic self-contraction, religeous illusion, drama, seeking spirituality, any name nor concept, only the laws and rules of true real Life. Prior unity. Concious light.
The jungle creates and devours itself. Infinitely. Amorally. Nature decides, noone else. Real fast It becomes undeniably obvious that this is home, humans’ real biological home, where we always belonged and belong, con humilidad y amor.