Scripture and Readinglist

Here I share the scriptures, books and texts that I have been reading during my journey, books that have been truly transformative and written by true teachers that resonate with my process of awakening to the reality of What Is. Of course this list is not exhaustive, but it represents the path I walked and whom I walked it with. So I do not call this recommended reading, but just reading list. I hope some of them will accompany you on your path. Each one of them are a gift of God to support awakening for us and for God.

Come back to this section as it will be updated continually.

No epoch is finally privileged, we are all tomorrow’s food. The process continues, and spirit is found in the process itself, not in any particular epoch or time or place
— Ken Wilbur
readinglist Niels Radtke readinglist Niels Radtke

Seek The Eternal. Swami Chinmayananda

Possession of wealth is but one aspect of human yearning, for no sooner the sense objects are secured, the mind longs for indulgence in sensual pleasures. Thus, with the object of finding happiness through such indulgence, man contacts them but is disappointed.

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Meditation and Life. Swami Chinmayananda

When you wear your Sunday suit, it moves and behaves just as the wearer. When the same suit is off the back of the wearer and is hanging on its hanger, it has no movement. The suit is dead when its master, the wearer, is not within its folds, vitalising, directing and determining its movement

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Forgive Me. Swami Chinmayananda

To be born from the present state of entanglement into a new state of inner beauty and sense of holiness is indicated in all the scriptures of the world as a new birth. ‘Twice-born’ (dvija) is the name given to a spiritual seeker.

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Sapiens. Yuval Noa Harari

Why do anything else when your lifestyle feeds you amply and supports a rich world of social structures, religious beliefs and political dynamics? All this changed about 10,000 years ago, when Sapiens began to devote almost all their time and effort to manipulating the lives of a few animal and plant species.

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Getting Where You Are. Steven Harison

We investigate spirituality, either to supplement our religious beliefs or to replace them. We try yoga, meditation, astrology. We are getting healthier, quieter, lighter. We talk the talk and we even walk some of the walk. We speak with authority about the heart chakra and our Moon in Capricorn.

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Ayahuasca in My Blood. Peter Gorman

So while the rose suggests we come to her to bathe in her glorious scent, the master plant teachers warn us away from them. You pretty much have to want what they have to offer, and be willing to prove it with physical discomfort, before they will share.

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A New Earth. Eckhart Tolle.

The answer is simple, once you realize what the ego is and how it works. When forms that you had identified with, that gave you your sense of self, collapse or are taken away, it can lead to a collapse of the ego, since ego is identification with form.

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Self Inquiry. Ramana Maharshi

Therefore, making the corpse-body remain as a corpse, and not even uttering the word ‘I’, one should enquire keenly thus: “Now, what is it that rises as ‘I’?” Then, there would shine in the Heart a kind of wordless illumination of the form ‘I-I’.

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The Cosmic Serpent. Jeremy Narby

My own experience with ayahuasca-induced hallucinations was limited, but was sufficient to suggest a trail. Ayahuasquero Ruperto Gomez, who had initiated me, had called the hallucinogenic brew “the television of the forest,”

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Be Here Now. Ram Das

As you come to understand fully that you will be finished with human suffering only when you are living in the fourth chakra (or higher), and you become strongly committed to “getting on with it,” then the method is straightforward. Keep converting every relationship into one of compassion.

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On having no head. D.E. Harding

What actually happened was something absurdly simple and unspectacular: just for the moment I stopped thinking. Reason and imagination and all mental chatter died down. For once, words really failed me. I forgot my name, my humanness, my thingness, all that could be called me or mine.

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Pior Unity. Adi Da Samraj

The prophetic calling running through the whole book is that if we want to find the real basis for a new human culture we must look beyond the outer world of separate objects, others, and events to the source, the root-condition in which all our experience is actually happening.

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Doing Nothing. Steven Harrison

I sought out every mystic, seer, and magician I could find throughout the world. I subjected myself to severe austerities, long periods of isolation, and meditation. I studied the world's philosophies and religions.

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Papaji, Interviews. David Godman

No, you need not identify with anything. You only need to get rid of your notions. Do not identify with any name or form which is not real. No name or form is real. Now, to reject name and form you need not make any effort or employ any kind of thinking or identification.

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Living with the Himalayan Masters. Swami Rama

In this inspirational collection of stories, Swami Rama relates his experiences with the great teachers who guided his life, including Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, and Ramana Maharshi. This book documents Swami Rama’s spiritual quest, which showed him that direct experience is the source of real knowledge.

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Mastering Pranayama. Radhika Shah Grouven

The great secret to mastering prana itself is learning to shift the flow of breath at will with the power of attention and without the use of fingers or any other external aids. Learning to shift the nostril flow from the left to the right nostril and back is not an intellectual or analytical process.

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