The Cosmic Serpent. Jeremy Narby

The Cosmic Serpent

My own experience with ayahuasca-induced hallucinations was limited, but was sufficient to suggest a trail. Ayahuasquero Ruperto Gomez, who had initiated me, had called the hallucinogenic brew “the television of the forest,” and I had indeed seen sequences of hallucinatory images flashing by at blinding speed, as if they were truly transmitted from outside my body, but picked up inside my head.

What if DNA, stimulated by nicotine or dimethyltryptamine, activates not only its emission of photons (which inundate our consciousness in the form of hallucinations), but also its capacity to pick up the photons emitted by the global network of DNA-based life? This would mean that the biosphere itself, which can be considered “as a more or less fully interlinked unit” is the source of the images.

Narby, Jeremy. The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge (p. 131). Orion. Kindle Edition.


Self Inquiry. Ramana Maharshi


Be Here Now. Ram Das