Be Here Now. Ram Das
As you come to understand fully that you will be finished with human suffering only when you are living in the fourth chakra (or higher), and you become strongly committed to “getting on with it,” then the method is straightforward. Keep converting every relationship into one of compassion. Keep a compassionate model uppermost in your consciousness at all times. Every time you slip back into one of the lower chakras, don’t pity yourself or damn yourself. Merely redefine the situation in terms of the fourth chakra . . . in terms of compassionate love for all beings. If you find you are in a relationship with someone which is gratifying to him, you because of the power you have over them, consider that you and he are both manifestations of the One . . . look him in the eye until you both see clearly where power stops and where love begins. Once you have seen through that veil, then you have transmuted the energy from the third to the fourth chakra. This is the Divine Work: making the profane sacred.
Dass, Ram. Be Here Now (Enhanced Edition) (p. 42). HarperOne. Kindle Edition.