A journey around the world through the human experience and non-dual

Here are the diaries, the reflections, the feelings, the insights and the photos of this ongoing evolving journey. The drive behind THAT WHAT IS is to share, teach and give space to that what Life is in all its power, variety and richness and to be an intimate voice of this, an evolutionary pioneer reporting directly from the lustrous Source itself from which all is arising.
To express That which is expressing Me.

Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Truth is death of mind, yet Truth is life. Indonesia.

May - June 2019
What started as a trip to learn traditional Hatha Yoga in India, became an ongoing non stop journey - almost around the world - of mass destruction, the mass destruction of impressions and opinions, and views gathered a whole lifetime starting in childhood, a Mass destruction of deep stuck habits and strong beliefs ...

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Until I experienced the Self. Sidhbari. India.

April - May 2019
I had decided to move further up the hills to stay in silence at the Swami Chinmayananda ashram near Dharamsala where also his Samadhi shrine ( his body in rest) is erected. Swamiji is one of my spiritual guides and one of India’s greatest!

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Blessings to my teachers. Uttharkand. India.

April 2019
I have had such a deep dive into Yoga I never thought possible It would open up to me. I have met some amazing teachers the old way, the yogi way, the way you read in books and beautiful enfoldments happened on this never ending path since I started some years ago in Everest Yoga and then Yoga Room both in Brussels.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Opening of the Spiritual Heart. Rishikesh, India.

February 2019
Mooji Baba, Holy Ganga, Swami Ji, Parmarth Niketan, Shiva, Shivananda, Ekagrata, Fried potato, Hare Krishna, Hare Hare, Some places on earth just can’t become depleated; after millions of people taking with them a little piece of this holy place’s throbbing heart

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Pranayama Teacher Certification. Lonavla. India.

January 2019
Studying and practicing firsthand Yoga with a true master, who has on top also written his own remarkably fresh and precise translation, indications and comments on the Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a very unique experience.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

Hatha Yoga Teacher training. Yoga Point, India.

November 2019
After exploring vibrant India from the outside - and yes I cried with joy several times in front of such simultaneous beauty and decay - I have reached my main destination on this trip: Yoga Vidya Gurukul, one of the more traditional Hatha Yoga ashrams in India where I have the opportunity to live

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

A Total surrender into the unknown. India.

October 2018
The moment I stepped out of the airplane in Mumbai I felt at home. The welcoming chaos of the city felt familiar right away. The smells, the noises, the people, the whole atmosphere just felt right. I did not know yet that I would never return to my previous life.

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Niels Radtke Niels Radtke

A journey around the world. Planet Earth.

October 15 2018
In October 2018 I packed the few things I owned and left behind all that I thought I was and believed I had built, and surrendered to the unknown, to discover THAT WHAT IS. All of Us, All of It.

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