Scripture and Readinglist
Here I share the scriptures, books and texts that I have been reading during my journey, books that have been truly transformative and written by true teachers that resonate with my process of awakening to the reality of What Is. Of course this list is not exhaustive, but it represents the path I walked and whom I walked it with. So I do not call this recommended reading, but just reading list. I hope some of them will accompany you on your path. Each one of them are a gift of God to support awakening for us and for God.
Come back to this section as it will be updated continually.
“No epoch is finally privileged, we are all tomorrow’s food. The process continues, and spirit is found in the process itself, not in any particular epoch or time or place”
Mantras: Words of Power. Swami Shivananda Radha
If you repeat the mantra while doing Hatha Yoga, you will be able to penetrate the deeper levels of the asanas. Try holding an asana while you chant mentally, becoming absorbed in what you are doing. Radha, Swami Sivananda. Mantras: Words of Power . Timeless Books. Kindle Edition.
Healing Mantras. Thomas Ashley Farrand
Mantra can help you feel more peaceful or more energized. It can help you cope with illness and it can sometimes help effect physical healing.
Vedantic Meditation. David Frawly
Meditation requires that we give space to what is beyond name and form to reveal itself—that we set aside our opinions and come to commune with things as they are. This is only possible when we give up our belief in matter or the known and give our prime value to awareness itself.