Love is the gold standard. Portugal. off-grid.

Karma yoga - Eco building - Off Grid Living - Perma Culture - Spiritual Maturity. 
Merkaba Community - Keela Yoga Farm - Project Roots
After 9 months of travelling there comes a state when you no longer think in terms of days, or weeks or even months, only the present moment is real, timeless, now, the infinity where Love is the gold standard of all measure. Like and dislike have long gone, mind is at your service, you are at service to the world and anything is totally acceptable, it just is, free, ... 


... however the hardest, cruel thing on the road is at the same time the sweetest: all these incredible Beings you meet, these Humans you fall in love with but also have to leave at a certain junction...The only thing that keeps me from falling, that keeps me from so many broken hearts because of every sweet Being I have to say goodbye to is the Yogic practice, the practice of Love, the experience and union of the Self everyday inside the lustrous centre of it all. 

From the state of Being I remain one and the same with every single person I have met on the path and never there is sadness because never we are apart and never we will be, we are the Universe, all of us, all of it, always, no exception. I love you, every single one of the One, my Brothers and Sisters, light of God, I can see you, all of you. ❤️.


That day has come. Done. Brussels, Belgium.


Truth is death of mind, yet Truth is life. Indonesia.