Talk with Lucifer Ra

Sacred Valley, San Salvador, Peru
September 2020

Herewith I introduce my first interview for THATWHATIS.COM/talks taken with my Brother Lucifer Ra by his favourite tree “The Pastor”.

The Heart Light as a Feather

Lucifer came into my life during my birthday trip I organised last July at the most Holy Ausangate Mountain in the Peruvian Andes. I remember him being very contained, stoic and monumental, smoking his pipe. He came along invited by my good friends Barin Sui, Lilly, Aaron and Cassandra. We did not talk that much during these days but acknowledged each other’s divinity and bowed to each other when we crossed ways. Some days after our return he invited me on a Huachuma hike to Koncha-Koncha near Huaran and that is where our true souls communicated. We walked barefoot, like shepherds, 10 km up the rocky trail and talked about Love, the Earth and the Promised Land, Krishna and the Sacred Valley. We drank from the river and ate fruits.
Since that day we have spent more time together and I joined him at Pacco’s Ayahuaskari Healing Center in San Salvador, a village next to Pisac in the Valley. I took a room there and live with Lucifer, Adam, Cassandra, Aaron, Justin, Mary, Jewel and Pacco in this absolutely magical medicinal House of Ayahuasca within Pacha Mama. A few weeks ago we drank Lucifer’s very potent Ayahuasca from Pucallpa in Peru and we experimented with telepathy and shared consciousness or the We space. After our minds merged literary into one we opened up our awareness for inter-dimensional beings and interstellar sound-beings. It was a life changing night as from that moment on I understood that lifeforms beyond our planet are thriving and living within every dimension of reality.
Reality is a living Being and so is Lucifer Ra.
I hope you enjoy his Words and Love.

LUCIFER RA came into my life during my birthday trip I organised last July at the most Holy Ausangate Mountain in the Peruvian Andes. I remember him being very contained, stoic and monumental, smoking his pipe. He came along invited by my good friends Barin Sui, Lilly, Aaron and Cassandra.

Lucifer Ra smoking his Noarau Pipe on the way to Koncha Koncha in Huaran, Peru.