My journey around the world
through the human experience and non-dual consciousness.
Trauma Play Pleasure Bliss
My journey has gotten me initiated into several healing traditions and skills. Not to become better or liberated, but to release and to establish in who we already are: the human cosmic conscious impulse of life itself.
Knowledge obtained through five traditional Hatha Yoga / Pranayama / Shat Karma certifications in India, Meditation, Kundalini Shakti and Mantra in non-duality Ashrams, as well in solitude in remote Forests and Mountains.
Teachings from the Amazon jungle of Peru where I became a Plant Medicine apprentice within the indigenous Shipibo tradition, guided by Maestro Rono Lopez (Iquitos) and Maestro Jose Sanchez Lopez (Puccalpa), observing Master Plant Dieta and developing YOGARAO, a research project for retreats and treatments within the Vedic-Shamanic-Developmental Realm.
Years of Ayurvedic and plant based cooking developed into a personal medicinal style of cuisine and offering that is applied within an integral approach on nutrition, self-care, health and sustainability.
An online offering of 1:1 sessions as a Developmental Coach and Plant Medicine Integration Therapist using tools from Compassionate Inquiry, Somatics, Ontology, Plant Dieta and Integral and Yogic Psychology from a Prior Disposition, inquiring within the prepersonal, personal, transpersonal and interpersonal realms of trauma, wounding, development and growth.
In line with these offerings I work as a facilitator at The Temple of The Way of Light, a psycho-therapy assisted ayahuasca healing centre within the Shipibo indigenous tradition in Peru.
The Rise of Eros, the Death of Ego
I think most of us can relate to the feeling of deeply wanting something to happen, to pop irreversibly: To pop that very intimate membrane around our deepest fear, tucked away inside our steaming damp gut. That place, as scary and unknown as death itself, there, right there is where I want to be. Right there where all is coiled around itself, nested, around fear, around shame, around guilt, around disgust, around pain, around rage, around pleasure, around play, around bliss…
Dieta Completion Cinco Medicos
I finished the first cycle of Dietas with the five leading Doctor Plant Spirits within the Shipibo Mahua-Lopez lineage and tradition: Noya Rao, Marusa, Bobinsana, Mokapari and Chullachaqui and close this first round of my apprentice-ship as Curandero guided by Maestro Rono Lopez.
“Egos will never unify the world”
- Adi Da Samraj