A journey around the world
through the human experience and non-dual consciousness.

In October 2018 I packed the few things I owned and left behind all that I thought I was and believed I had built, and surrendered to the unknown, to discover


My journey has gotten me initiated into several healing traditions and skills. Not to become better or liberated, but to release and to establish in who we already are: the human cosmic conscious impulse of life itself.

Knowledge obtained through five traditional Hatha Yoga / Pranayama / Shat Karma certifications in India, Meditation, Kundalini Shakti and Mantra in non-duality Ashrams, as well in solitude in remote Forests and Mountains.

Teachings from the Amazon jungle of Peru where I became a Plant Medicine apprentice within the indigenous Shipibo tradition, guided by Maestro Rono Lopez (Iquitos) and Maestro Jose Sanchez Lopez (Puccalpa), observing Master Plant Dieta and developing YOGARAO, a research project for retreats and treatments within the Vedic-Shamanic-Developmental Realm.

Years of Ayurvedic and plant based cooking developed into a personal medicinal style of cuisine and offering that is applied within an integral approach on nutrition, self-care, health and sustainability.

An online offering of 1:1 sessions as a Developmental Coach and Plant Medicine Integration Therapist using tools from Compassionate Inquiry, Somatics, Ontology, Plant Dieta and Integral and Yogic Psychology from a Prior Disposition, inquiring within the prepersonal, personal, transpersonal and interpersonal realms of trauma, wounding, development and growth.

In line with these offerings I work as a facilitator at The Temple of The Way of Light, a psycho-therapy assisted ayahuasca healing centre within the Shipibo indigenous tradition in Peru.

New dates to be announced soon.

Integral Developmental Vedic-Shamanic Dieta Retreat for Deep Healing and Self Realization.

An Integral approach to worlds most powerful pre-modern and post-modern Healing and Spiritual practices: Hatha Yoga, Ayurveda, Advaita Vedanta, Shipibo Vegetalismo, Integral Philosophy and Developmental Psychology precisely woven into a 30 days Pre-Personal to Trans-Personal Evolutionary Dieta | Retreat from a Prior Disposition

Dieta | Retreat. Peru.

Hatha Workshops

Latest Story:
Dieta Completion Cinco Medicos

I finished the first cycle of Dietas with the five leading Doctor Plant Spirits within the Shipibo Mahua-Lopez lineage and tradition: Noya Rao, Marusa, Bobinsana, Mokapari and Chullachaqui and close this first round of my apprentice-ship as Curandero guided by Maestro Rono Lopez.

Visual Ikaro

This visual Ikaro was shot, written, produced and edited during my Dieta with Master Plant Bobinsana in the Peruvian Jungle in July 2021.



Free Video Tutorial

In this video I show how to perform Vastra Dhauti safely. Vasta Dhauti is an ancient, premodern Yogic cleansing technique using a long cloth to cleanse the stomach but also the energetic channels and chakras. It is a great technique for controlling the involuntary nervous system and the mind.


“As you walk the spiritual path, it widens, not narrows, until one day it broadens to a point where there is no path left at all.”

— Wayne Liquorman

“Egos will never unify the world”

- Adi Da Samraj