Pior Unity. Adi Da Samraj
The prophetic calling running through the whole book is that if we want to find the real basis for a new human culture we must look beyond the outer world of separate objects, others, and events to the source, the root-condition in which all our experience is actually happening. This is not a religious matter, nor even a spiritual matter in any exclusive sense. It is about the source-reality that has no name, that is not a deity, but which is the being-essence in which we exist, the limitless conscious awareness to which every one of us has access, regardless of our beliefs or philosophy. We do not have to be told, even by scientists, that the quantum level of existence is only light. The human heart intuitively knows this, because it inheres in that light already.
Adi Da, The World-Friend. Prior Unity: The Basis for a New Human Civilization . The Adi Da Foundation Press. Kindle Edition.